The AGM of the Eastbourne Trades Council will be at 7.30pm, Tuesday 27th March, at the View Hotel, Grand Parade, Eastbourne. All local trade unionists (including retired trade unionists) are invited, although only delegates from affiliated unions may stand as officers or vote on financial or policy matters.
1. Introductions and apologies for absence
2. Minutes of the AGM from 2017
3. Adoption of Rules for 2018 (proposal is same as for 2017) and new affiliates.
4. Officers' Reports and Accounts
5. Election of Officers for 2018
a) Chair
b) Vice Chair
c) Secretary
d) Assistant Secretary
f) Additional non-officer members of the Executive Committee, if required
5. MAY DAY PARADE and WORKERS' MEMORIAL DAY: to update preparation for these events and agree any arrangements.
6. NHS Campaigning: update on the launch of the East Sussex Save our NHS Campaign
7. Eastbourne Pride: To update on arrangements and to agree any financial commitments.
8. Updates from other Union campaigns.
9. Dates of meetings for 2018-9
10. Presentation of the Len Caine Award