There is a public meeting TOMORROW EVENING (21st August) organised by the GMB Union about the future of our District General Hospital, entitled: "Is Eastbourne Hospital being 'managed' to ruin ?"
The meeting is at 7.00pm at the Unite Eastbourne Centre,
Grand Parade, Eastbourne, BN21 4DN.
The GMB, which represents a large number of staff working
for the hospital and the wider NHS, says:
"Do you feel that Hospitals, Community Services and Staff are just not safe in [East Sussex Hospitals] Trust hands ? With wards closing, services diminished and moved, staff redeployments without consultations, enforced down-bandings and pay cuts. We feel that Eastbourne, Hastings and East Sussex deserve better. We must not allow the continued EITHER/OR option of delivering healthcare within the ESHT.
Your Hospital, Your Services, Your Jobs. It needs you now to help save it. Come along and help the fight back."
All local trade unionists and their friends and family are
urged to attend.
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