All local trade union members, including retired trade unionists, are welcome to attend the meeting.
1. Introductions and apologies for absence
2. Approval of new affiliations.
3. Minutes of previous meeting (May) and matters arising.
4. Treasurer's Report- Gordon Dyer (Gordon has sent apologies due to the change of date. A written report will be available)
5. Campaigning over the Summer: Update on the TUC's campaigns, the development of the People's Assembly in Eastbourne, and other priorities for union campaigning over the summer.
6. Update on East Sussex County Association of Trades Councils
7 . Any other Campaigns: Colleagues invited to provide information on their Unions’ local and national campaigns, and any support that the Trades Council could give.
8. Autumn Newsletter
9. Any other business.
The bar will be open afterwards ! This is likely to be a relatively short meeting, as there is no speaker.
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