Eastbourne railway station have displayed posters advising that they plan to reduce the ticket office hours and introduce a Station Host. It can be:
* Agreed that the station should be staffed from first to last service 7 days a week.
* Agreed that It would be nice to be met by a Station Host.
* Agreed that the ticket office should be staffed at peaked times
* Agreed that the railway station facilities should be available at all times
However, it cannot be agreed that the closure of the ticket office, which frequently has long queues, is a way forward to improve my customer service.
* The ticket machines do not provide all the tickets and services I need
* The Ticket machine does not advise the best tickets to purchase best route to take
* Elderly and physically restricted people will have problems using the machines or seeking help
* The ticket hall will become more congested with people crowding around the gates and machines.
* The reduction in staff will also result in a reduction in the customer service provided
The opinion formed is, more staff are required, not only on the station but also in the ticket office
To register your concerns please email, by the 14 March:
GTR_Consultation@transportfocus.org.uk With 'Eastbourne Railway Station' as the subject.
Please have your say, to keep services at Eastbourne Station !
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