Rules and Constitution of Eastbourne Trades Council

These rules are were adopted for the re-founded Eastbourne Trades Union Council, at the AGM on 15th April 2011. They are based on the Model Rules for Trades Councils, laid down by the TUC, subject to review at the Annual General Meeting each year.  The re-founding union branches were NUT (lewes, Eastbourne and Wealden), NASUWT (Lewes and Wealden), Unite the Union (1/1002)  and Usdaw (Sussex Number 1).
 1.    NAME
The name of the Council shall be  "Eastbourne Trades Union Council" (hereafter referred to as The Trades Council) . The Council shall be registered annually by the TUC, and with the Sussex Association of Trades Councils (when constituted).
The purpose of a TRADES UNION COUNCIL  recognised by the Trades Union Congress (TUC) is to bring together union branches at a local level to campaign around issues affecting working people in their workplaces and local communities. The role of TRADES UNION COUNCILS as recognised by the Trades Union Congress (TUC) is to:
a)  Raise public awareness of rights at work and the union role in enforcing those rights. 
b)  Promote organising and recruitment drives to build union membership.
c)  Promote equality in all their activities.
d)  Follow the programme of work agreed by the Conference and TUCJCC.
e)  Support union and community campaigns for dignity and respect in the workplace and beyond.
f)   Promote the interests of all of its affiliated organisations and to secure united action on all questions affecting or likely to affect those interests.
g)  Improve generally the economic and social conditions of working people in the local area.
h)  Campaign in support of local or regional industrial action officially authorised by the union or unions concerned. 
The Council shall only consist of representatives of Trade Unions or branches of Trade Unions affiliated to TUC who have members working in or living in the area. The application (on or as soon as possible after 1st January in each year on the approved form) of any organisation desiring to affiliate shall be submitted to the full Council for its approval or otherwise. Workplace affiliations of groupings of TUC affiliated members are permitted as well as Branches if not represented in other ways. In such cases those groupings will be described as '(Union) (Workplace) Group'.
(i) Organisations affiliated to the Council shall be allowed representation on the following basis:-
For the first 250 affiliated members or under – 2 delegates.
One additional delegate for each 250 members, or part thereof, with a maximum of 6 delegates from any one organisation. Delegates must be bona fide members or permanent paid officials of organisations appointing them. No person shall act as delegate for more than one organisation.
Secretaries of affiliating organisations shall inform the Secretary of matters on the approved application form (especially  numbers of Branch members and delegates in Eastbourne). A whole or part of a Branch membership may be affiliated.
Branches who wish to affiliate & receive information but are unable (for the time being) to elect delegates may affiliate such proportion of their membership as they may think fit and shall be entitled to receive one copy of the Council papers until such time as delegates are informed to the Secretary. The aim of the Council should be the affiliation of all TUC affiliated Trade Unions in the area of the Council.

Each affiliated organisation shall contribute an affiliation fee of such an amount as shall be determined by the Autumn Trades Council meeting each year. For 2011 this shall be 8 pence per affiliated member, with a minimum subscription of £8.00

(a)         The  Executive  Committee  shall  be composed of all the officers and any additional members as agreed by the AGM. The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt temporarily non voting members for specific functions as necessary.
(b)         In the event of the resignation or death of any member of the Executive, branches shall be circulated for nominations.

All nominated candidates must be delegates to the Council, and shall be nominated and elected at the AGM

The Officers and Executive Committee shall be elected by secret ballot vote at the Annual General Meeting of the Council. Casual vacancies may be filled at any Council meeting after due advertisement of vacancies.

The Executive Committee shall conduct the detailed business and report to meetings of the Council.
Executive meetings may be held prior to Council meetings, or at other times where deemed necessary. A special meeting of the Executive Committee may be called in the event of urgent business arising as and when deemed necessary by the President and the Secretary or on written request to the Secretary by any three members of the Executive Committee.
The Council may establish Sub Committees to deal with special aspects of Trades Council work, but such sub committees must obtain approval of all actions taken in the name of the Trades Council, and must report regularly to the Council. The Council may appoint delegates to represent it on other bodies, or at special events, but such delegates must report to the Council.
(a)    The  AGM  meeting  of  the  Council  shall  take  place  in January or February each year. The ordinary General meetings of the Council shall take place on dates agreed by the AGM.
Each delegate shall receive from the Secretary not less than 5 days’ clear notice of the business to be transacted at meetings.
(b)          A Special meeting may be called at any time by the Executive Committee, or in the case of urgency, by the President and the Secretary, or upon a written request from three affiliated Trade Union branches. In the latter case, the object of the meeting must be clearly stated upon the requisition. Only those matters detailed in the notice convening the Special meeting may be discussed at the meeting.
Five days’ clear notice shall be given for these special meetings.
Rule changes may only be made in accordance with Rule 20.

(i)    Trades Council/Executive meetings.
Only delegates of those Branches which have affiliated for the current year (or have undertaken to in writing within 6 months) shall be permitted to vote at meetings of the Council/Executive and/or to stand as Officers or delegates
(ii)   Annual General Meetings and Special Meetings. 
Only delegates of those Branches which have affiliated for the current year (or have undertaken to in writing within six months) shall be permitted to vote stand as Officers or delegates. Due account shall be taken of different AGM timings of different Unions for this purpose. Waivers of this Rule may be granted by the Council in exceptional cases.
(iii)  No Officer Executive Committee member or delegate shall be entitled to more than one vote.
ALL Council meetings shall be open to observers and guests provided those persons
(i)   are current paid up members of a TUC affiliated Trade Union and can produce evidence of such OR 
(ii)   have been invited to Trades Council; OR
(iii)  are  members of a  recognised  Students  Union or Claimants Union.
Observers/guests have no right to vote but may (with the approval of the Council) be given speaking rights on request.
14.    OFFICERS 
(a)  The  Officers  of  the  Council  shall  be  Chair,  Vice Chair,   Secretary, and Treasurer.
(b)    A person may hold more than one office only if:
  (i) no other person is willing to perform the duties in question; or       
  (ii) the Council deems it convenient that particular Officer(s) hold more than one post. Vacant posts will continue to be advertised until  filled by separate individuals.
(c)   The President, Secretary and Treasurer shall have Executive functions to decide on  urgent action needed between meetings  of Council and Executive. 'Emergency   matters' are defined as those matters needing attention before a scheduled  meeting of the Council or Executive.
 (d)  All Officers shall seek to implement the policies of the Council, shall comply with all Rules and Standing Orders, seek to encourage unity and co-operation and shall preserve confidentiality of all sensitive information unless otherwise instructed by the Council.   
The Council at its Annual Meeting shall appoint two Auditors, whose duty it shall be to audit all accounts and subsidiary papers and the Annual Financial Statement, certify as to their correctness or otherwise, and report upon their findings at the Annual Meetings of the Council.
They shall not be members of the Executive Council.
They should also demand an account of the property of the Council for the time being and ensure there is a statement to this effect in the Annual Report.

Honorary Life Membership shall be awarded to those persons whom the Council recognise as having given long and valuable service to the Trade Union Movement. Persons in receipt of Honorary Life Membership may participate in debates at Council meetings but may not vote.
Any delegate who is appointed to attend any conference or transact any business on behalf of the Council, shall be allowed out of pocket expenses, which must not exceed the actual standard class railway fare and allowance for hotel expenses and remunerative time, when they are called to stay overnight or otherwise a fee to cover incidental expenses during the day.
The payments aforesaid are dependant upon the Secretary receiving appropriate receipts and a written report of the meeting in question.  
In no circumstances shall this council co-operate with or subscribe to: the funds of fascist parties or any subsidiary organisation of these parties; any organisations whose policies or activities are contrary to those of the Trades Union Congress; or any industrial organisation which has been proscribed by the General Council. Nor shall the council  subscribe to the funds of any political party. The council may co-operate with the local Labour Party, providing that no part of the funds of the council  derived from the general funds of affiliated trade unions shall be applied directly or indirectly in the furtherance of the political objects specified in Section 72 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992.”
The Council has the right to refuse to issue credentials to, or to withdraw credentials from a delegate who has disrupted the work of the Trades Council.

No alteration or suspension of rules shall take place except as decided  at  the Annual  Meeting or a specially convened Special General Meeting,  and then only if two thirds  of the delegates present and voting vote in favour of the proposed alteration. One months’ written notice shall be given to the Secretary of any proposed alteration or suspension of rule which it is desired shall be discussed at the Annual Meeting or Special General Meeting.