Thursday 2 May 2013

Trades Council Meeting; May 14th 2013

The next meeting of Eastbourne Trades Council will be on Tuesday 14th May, 7.30pm at the Unite Eastbourne Centre (T&GWU), Grand Parade, Eastbourne.

The main topic of the meeting will be the NHS and the District General Hospital campaign, with speakers invited from the Save the DGH campaign, local Labour health action team, and others with information for trade unionists about the threats to our NHS.  This is a great opportunity to hear about local health campaigns, and discuss how trade unionists and working people can mobilise to defend our health service.

All local trade union members, including retired trade unionists, are welcome to attend the meeting..


1. Introductions and apologies for absence
2. Approval of new affiliations.
3. Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising
4. Treasurer's Report- Gordon Dyer
5. TUC Trades Councils Conference- vote for JCC
6. Save the DGH Campaign: Where next ? Safeguarding our NHS: Speakers and discussion about how ETUC can support the campaigns.
7.  Any other Campaigns: Colleagues invited to provide information on their Unions’ local and national campaigns, and any support that the Trades Council could give.
8. Any other business.
Apologies, or requests for agendas etc. in advance to the Secretary here, please

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